For our writing this week we have been focusing on report writing. We got the choice on what we writ our report on. My report is about the emperor tamarin monkey.
The saguinus imperator, also known as the Emperor Tamarin belongs to the Callitrichidae family. This is
a family of New World monkeys. It is found in the southwest Amazon basin, in east Peru, North Bolivia
and the west Brazilian states of Acre and Amazonas. It’s species is Tamarin Allagedly it is named for its
close resemblance to a german emperor wilhelm.
a family of New World monkeys. It is found in the southwest Amazon basin, in east Peru, North Bolivia
and the west Brazilian states of Acre and Amazonas. It’s species is Tamarin Allagedly it is named for its
close resemblance to a german emperor wilhelm.
The Emperor Tamarin has a mixture of orange,white and red hair on it’s chest and belly, with dark
brown fur on it’s back. It is an orange colour on its inner sides of the legs and arms. It has claws on its
fingers and toes except the big toe which has a nail. It has a long white mustache and has a black chin with
unnoticable white hairs.
The emperor tamarins diet is mainly made up of plants, but they also feed on insects such as butterflies,
beetles,spiders,locusts, and ants. They will sometimes eat tree sap ,fruit,and small vertebrates such as
lizards and tree frogs. They will often steal eggs from bird nest.
The Emperor Tamarin is very active and constantly moving during the day. Because of there small size
they are very agile and can leap from branch to branch. They are very playful and friendly primates and
when they are keeped in captivity they love to be pet by humans. There groups consist of up to fifteen
other members.
The emperor tamarin is mainly found in the amazonian lowland that and lower montane rain forests and
the remnant,primary and secondary forest. The amazonian lowlands holds an abundance of water
during the high sea level due to the flooding from nearby water sources, this makes the very humid,
tropical climate to occur year round. The lozer montane forests emperor tamarins are mostly found in are
considered are tropical and moist with an abundance of vegetation. In the dry season flowery peaks and in
the wet season, flowering decreases this affects the emperor tamarins diet. Emperor tamarins are also
found in the amazonian secondary forests, which account for forty percent of the forest area.
The emperor tamarins first reproduction is when they are 16 to 20 months old. With a gestation time of up
to 6 months. Emperor Tamarins are seasonal breeders and it’s breeding is baste on food availability.
During the wet season, when there is lots of food, that is when most births occur.
Thankfully Emperor tamarins are not endangered but its population is decreasing. This is because of
deforestation and human encroachment. Emperor tamarins are unique and loving animals that deserve a
place in our world.
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