Friday, May 25, 2018

Plastic bags

This term we have been focusing on pollution and what is causing it. I have written a explanation writing on how plastic bags are destructive to the environment. please enjoy and take care of our planet.


Have you ever thought about the impact that plastic bags have on our environment? Every year New Zealand has a ratio of 4 million people to 1 billion plastic bags. They take from ten to one thousand years to break up and in this time they are causing a mass amount of problems. Plastic bags are bad for animals in all kinds of ways. Not only does it hurt the environment, but it also doesn't look good. Plastic bags also helps to pollute the earth, along with other plastic and waste.

 Plastic bags are a big issue all around especially when it comes to animals. Animals all over the world are found dead with tens to hundreds of pieces of plastic in them. Turtles main food is jellyfish, and when a plastic bag is floating around in the water it can be mistaken for a jellyfish, this causes them to have a slow and painful death. Plastic bags can also trap and strangle animals while they are swimming. Other animals like cows can also eat plastic bags that find their way into farms and the cows get very sick, they can even die.

 Plastic bags can ruin almost any kind of natural habitat, such as forests,deserts and wetlands. Pollution never looks good but sometimes it can get out of hand, there are islands made from rubbish and plastic and most of it is from plastic bags that have floated there.

 The world is slowly suffocating because of the plastic bags.Plastic bags can get into the soil and release toxic chemicals animals then eat it and get sick. The plastic bags can injure and hurt the animals that look after the trees and plants. These trees help to produce oxygen that people breathe. Without the animals that look after the trees the trees die and therefore they will not produce oxygen to breath, so it also affect humans.

 Plastic bags are a huge issue all over the globe. They hurt animals, they damage the earth itself and it destroys the beautiful,natural landscapes. Things need to change, and it starts with you. So the next time you go shopping what kind of bags will you use?

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